A Conspiracy of Shadows

a meeting of shadows ani

For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)


UN SDG Summit

The meeting is in the usual place, the Meditation Room at the United Nations. The room interior looks like a pyramid lying on its side with a mural in place of the capstone.

un meditation room 3

The mural is a kind of abstract tapestry in the style of a Picasso painting, with what appears to be a serpent intertwining a pole intersected by the perpendicular side of a triangle (the central cross intertwined with a serpent) in front of a half-darkened sun representing the Zoroastrian concept of the conflict between good and evil.

Abstract mural in the Meditation room

The group gathers around the “altar” a six-and-half-ton rectangular block of iron ore, polished on the top and illuminated from above by a single spotlight. “The Stone of Light“ is a natural magnet emitting magnetic waves, and is polished on the top so that it brings forth a sheet of minute lights that shines like billions of tiny stars.

Meditation-Room-UN 2

The acoustical properties of the room are unique. The room is as quiet as an underground tomb. They feel safe to meet here, as The Meditation Room is maintained by Lucis Trust, formerly known as Lucifer Trust. A United Nations guard protects the room.

As always, during the invocation their Ba’al, Sorath, appears to stand on top of an altar made from crystal clear ore. This fallen angel looks just like any successful man in society with his perfectly fitting suit that would have gone unnoticed except for its glowing color- giving him away as someone who is not human at all!


None of them see Zophiel hiding within the floor, under one of the low wicker benches. The angel from God begins recording the meeting, and transmits everything to Headquarters in encrypted gravity wave mode.

Sorath immediately commands: “Report!”

The Daily Briefing always includes the demonic “owners” of several world leaders. The meeting starts off with a rundown of the critical issues: numbers of deaths by war, famine, abortion, and suicide; numbers of faithful devil worshipers; progress on riots and rebellions; traction on corruption in top government posts; and concludes with updates on ongoing special operations.

shadow people meeting

Some of the fallen angels and demons encircled around the altar appear in the form of the humans they enslave, which is typical for a meeting as important as this. They occasionally slip and shape-shift back to their original appearances, and Zophiel can see them for what they are: dark shadows that look almost human, with horns and penetrating eyes.


Some look almost like a typical Hollywood film alien: short, thin humanoids with gray and hairless skin, a large cranium, big black eyes, small slits for a nose, and a small mouth. One looks like a stock broker from Wall Street. The aether is shimmering around them, pulsing with bright blue blobs.

The air in the tiny room feels heavier. There is so much concentrated evil that Zophiel instinctively shrinks back. The smell is horrible, and the room seems to become darker, even though it is well lit.


Lahash, the prince of Turkey, reports first, as his special operation is the most important. A leading fallen angel, he is a quick thinker, and when he spots trouble brewing in his territory, there is no one better than him at taking action against enemies quickly with extreme prejudice. He prefers to facilitate quick and decisive resolution of any challenging problems, dominating the decision-making. His specialty is slowly driving his victims mad with religious fanaticism.

“I am preparing my host to take complete control of the Islamic world. The next major step will be his supposed assassination and the great miracle of his resurrection. The Beast will be ready!”


Buer, the Vatican representative, lends his support. A gifted deceiver, his specialty is controlling his victims through detailed philosophical and theological ideologies. He plans on a very deep level, but acts as though he is a spontaneous free thinker. He can play humans like a fiddle with his stream- of-consciousness communication style.

“The Chrislam program is going exceedingly well. We did not expect the Abraham Accords to be accepted so quickly. The foundation for the Great Deception is advancing beyond my expectations. We have wide support in the global religious community. When the time is right, our Prophet will be ready!”

Their Lord’s face transforms from a smirk to an actual grin.

“Excellent! Tell me the progress on Operation Mark of Ownership. We must prepare for any uncertainty or unexpected events in the cesspool of confusion we have created.”

Procel, the representative from the Brain-to-Brain Interface company, speaks up. His unique goal is to drive his host with exaggerated feelings of self-importance and an excessive craving for admiration.


“Mark of Ownership is accelerating exponentially. The lure of transhumanism is extremely powerful. The masses will flock to us for the implant, for enhanced cognitive abilities and a form of telepathy. Once implanted, we will effectively own and control them! My human is working 20 hours a day to make this happen. My only concern is he will be driven insane before he can finish it, but there is also a whole Big Tech corporate team I can infect.”

“Good! The portal is opening soon, so the Dragon’s arrival to Earth is imminent, and he needs a pliable planet,” Sorath explained. “Now, I need the most important update at the moment. What is happening on the ground with New World Order? We must begin harvesting the lost souls now, before our enemy can get to them.”

Semyaza, the representative from the international economic organization, goes next. He specializes in manipulating the top 1% ruling capitalist class. His tactics are influencing through greed and the lust for power.

schwab shadow

“My Lord, the majority of the world’s population have already been excluded from any real decision-making by the lack of real democracy. Now, with Russia’s invasion of Israel, we can impose our coercive measures, something we were not able to do with climate change.”

Semyaza paused, pulling his thoughts together.

“New World Order merely represents a re-packaging of the old globalist agenda which has been stuttering over the last decade. I entice the humans who are really in control, with the ideal of technocratic dictatorial rule by a tiny elite, the “green new deal.” Our Great Reset will include the gradual abolition of private property, a guaranteed minimum wage that will see jobs replaced by robots, a crackdown on most personal liberties and curtailing freedom of movement. Big Media are cooperating with us completely.”

Semyaza continued, “The actual effect of World War 3 will be billions starved to death by broken supply chains, just like what happened in Russia under Stalin, China under Mao and Kampuchea under PolPot. The depopulation agenda is already being implemented. The lights will go out over large swaths of the world as this unfolds, and the mega cities will depopulate. The bottom line is a great harvest of lost souls for my Lord!”

Sorath gloated, “Perfect! The Plan has layer upon layer of strategy and tactics, and each part must complement the whole. There are millions of moving parts in the machinery of The Plan, and our One World Order is almost complete. Look to China, gentlemen. Everything happening there is a taste of what the entire human world will be like. The Land of the Dragon is the model your humans must implement!”

Xi Jinping

Ornias, the prince and controller of China, just smiles and says nothing, basking in the glow of praise. Other fallen angels and demons report on their various operations, and the meeting starts wrapping up. The representative of the United States is last.

“The Immaculate Deception is proceeding as planned. There are a few reversals, but there should be no surprises there. As planned, my infection of the President is resulting in his obvious confusion, fatigue, rapid aging, and cognitive changes. Our real leader will be in the perfect position to take over. She is ideal to complete the New World Order. Either way, they are both on board. When ready, he will announce the code word to the Big Media. That is our signal to our covert human Deep State operatives everywhere.”

Sorath concluded, “I look forward to hearing that. The United States is one of the last to fall in line, and I am losing patience. Keep up the pressure!”


The Dragon, who has been monitoring the meeting remotely, senses it is time for some inspiration before he dismisses his den of evil servants. He steps into the conversation.

“Our battle continues, gentlemen. The Cosmos is shaking under our boots. Here, look!”

He projects the sky view of the visible Universe onto two sides of the stone:

random appearance of fast radio bursts ani

“On this world, we make our last stand. For the sake of our brothers imprisoned, and for our own eternal future, we must bring down all of these repellent humans into Hell. Then, if “god” wants to redeem them, he will be forced to redeem us. It is our only bargaining chip. We must purchase our freedom with their blood! We make our stand here!” said the Dragon, with a deafening yell that echoed through every corner.

Just then, the guard opens the door for the janitor, and she walks in. She is new, and although she sees no one in the room, it gives her a chill. She just attended a Church small group last night, and the lengthily discussion was on spiritual warfare. She closes the door behind her, and feels a prompting to clear the room of any evil. She starts her cleaning, and begins singing praises to her Lord. She starts out with a whisper:

“Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;

Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and Mighty!

God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity!”

“Holy, Holy, Holy! All the saints adore Thee,

Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;

Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,

Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be.”

Now she gets braver:

“Holy, Holy, Holy! Tho’ the darkness hide Thee,

Tho’ the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see,

Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,

Perfect in pow’r, in love, and purity.”

Finally, she is singing loudly and in near perfect pitch:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!

All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea;

Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and Mighty!

God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity!

Suddenly, a brilliant light filled the room, and the fallen angels and demons covered their eyes and some begin to scream. An earthquake rocks the room, and a trumpet sound blares louder and louder.

“Gentlemen, we are out of here. Until we meet again!”

Zophiel pulls himself out of the floor, and sees the janitor’s body begin to glow. A voice commands: “Come up here!” She and the angel are flying down some kind of a tunnel of light. She thought, “Either I am dying, or this is the Rapture.”

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Then the room was empty.


If you are not sure that you are a member of the family of God, you can accept Christ into your life right now, by praying:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.  Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life.  I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior.”


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Reader Comments:

Oh my!!! that’s just how it is too!!! You wrote reality, I pray we have more time to bring more to Christ!!!

GospelGail, April 4, 2022


3 thoughts on “A Conspiracy of Shadows

  1. A creative, but not far-fetched depiction of that UN Meditation room. Not many know about the functioning and real purpose of the UN and all the players behind the scenes. This should be shouted from the rooftops.


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