May the Fourth be with You!

may the force be with you ani

The Life Force

On May 4th, fans of the Star Wars franchise celebrate the play on the famous “May the force be with you” line.

One of the most iconic elements of the Star Wars universe is the Force. That mysterious energy field that permeates the galaxy, which all lifeforms interact with but only a rare few can harness. It gives the science fiction series a mystical punch and serves to make our heroes a little more compelling. Not merely action heroes, they have a deeper connection to the cosmos they protect.

In the films, the Jedi approach to the Force is often explained to those who have never heard of it before. Their idea is that a living force connects everything in existence, that affects all of us and can be manipulated by some individuals. It is aware of changes in the cosmos and strives to balance itself as though it were alive and thinking.

The Force in the Star Wars universe bear resemblance to a number of real-world religions and philosophies:

Aether – The Fifth Element / A Seeker’s Thoughts, April 17, 2009

Pythagoras aether

“You must feel the force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere.”
-Yoda, “Star Wars”

The Force…Prana…Aether…they all refer to the same thing: The Vital Energy, The Vital Life Force, the Divine Essence which holds everything together and provides the Spiritual Energy, which we call Life, to all things in all realms and dimensions.

Prana is the Ancient Sanskrit term used to refer to this Vital Spiritual Energy. In ancient Egypt it was called ka. The Chinese call this energy ki or chi. Later on, Prana, ka and chi became known as Aether by the Alchemists. Aether is the term that is normally used to describe this Vital Life Force today. The Jedi Masters of the Star Wars episodes provided a much Simpler term to this Vital Spiritual Energy: they Simply referred to it as The Force.

Whether we call this Vital Spiritual Energy Prana, The Force, or Aether, these names all refer to the same thing. Aether is the Essential Spiritual Energy which enables life, in all of its forms, to exist, function and interact in Harmony. Aether is the “Spiritual Breath” of Divinity. Aether is the Divine Life Force that exists within the Air that we breathe. Aether is the Divine Life Force that holds the heavens together and allows the stars, planets, solar systems, galaxies, and universes, to co-exist and interact in Harmony with each other.

Aether is the Sacred and Secret Fifth-Element that was held in such high-esteem by Pythagoras and his students. The Pythagoreans understood that Aether was the invisible Life Force that enabled the Four Elements of Creation (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) to function, interact and create. The Pythagoreans honored Aether by embracing the Five-Pointed-Star as their most sacred Symbol. The Fifth Point of the Star, along with the number Five, represented the Spiritual Breath of Divinity: Aether.

On our planet, oxygen is necessary for human and animal life to survive. Each time we inhale we ingest the element of oxygen into ourselves. But, how often do we consider the Universal Life Force, the Spiritual Essence, which is contained within the element of oxygen that we are inhaling?


Secrets of the Aether / Quantum AetherDynamics Institute, 2004

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What a complicated puzzle the world of physics is now! There are endless generations of particles, dark energy that seemingly causes the universe to expand, M-Theories, string theories, super symmetry, and on and on. Quantum mechanics, domain of the very small, and general relativity, domain of the very large, are the pillars of modern physics. However, they can’t be unified within the current Standard Model. It seems that the search for a “Grand Unification Theory” is leading to a reevaluation of the very fundamentals of physical science.

What if the ancient and universal idea of Aether proved to be the true foundation of reality? Acknowledgment of the Aether solves many problems in physics. A dynamic Aether would explain some of the most complex difficulties in the Standard Model.

Imagine that the universe is an ocean of living energy. As the search for the true nature of space-time gains momentum, we are seeing that new discoveries and theories in space-time look more and more like the ancient concept of the Aether. Instead of space being emptiness, a void of nothingness, it begins to appear that space is the mother of everything. The “Quantum Foam” of the modern physicist is a vibrant and dynamic caldron.

Vacuum Energy is being explored for potential as a source of endless energy. As Dark Energy, it is explaining how the universe expands at an increasing rate. Because of breakthroughs in the precise measurement of the amount of mass in the universe (measurements of cosmic background radiation, galactic distribution, and supernovae speed), we now know that ordinary matter and energy play a minor part. The Aether could explain the “missing mass” in the universe.

The major paradigm shift is that space-time is a thing. Space-time is like a fluid. We give space-time a name, to differentiate it from the concept of a void of nothingness. That name is Aether, a tribute to the ancient term for the firmament above Earth. Once you understand that all matter obtains its nature within the active “stage” of the Aether, then a holistic explanation appears that could be called nothing other than a Theory of Everything.


If Spacetime Were a Superfluid, Would It Unify Physics—or Is the Theory All Wet? Scientific American, June 18, 2014

Superfluid Vacuum ani

If spacetime is like a liquid—a concept some physicists say could help resolve a confounding disagreement between two dominant theories in physics—it must be a very special liquid indeed. A recent study compared astrophysical observations with predictions based on the notion of fluid spacetime, and found the idea only works if spacetime is incredibly smooth and freely flowing—in other words, a superfluid.

Thinking of spacetime as a liquid may be a helpful analogy. We often picture space and time as fundamental backdrops to the universe. But what if they are not fundamental, and built instead of smaller ingredients that exist on a deeper layer of reality that we cannot sense? If that were the case, spacetime’s properties would “emerge” from the underlying physics of its constituents, just as water’s properties emerge from the particles that comprise it. “Water is made of discrete, individual molecules, which interact with each other according to the laws of quantum mechanics, but liquid water appears continuous and flowing and transparent and refracting,” explains Ted Jacobson, a physicist at the University of Maryland, College Park. “These are all ‘emergent’ properties that cannot be found in the individual molecules, even though they ultimately derive from the properties of those molecules.”

Physicists have been considering this possibility since the 1990s in an attempt to reconcile the dominant theory of gravity on a large scale—general relativity—with the theory governing the very smallest bits of the universe—quantum mechanics. Both theories appear to work perfectly within their respective domains, but conflict with one another in situations that combine the large and small, such as black holes (extremely large mass, extremely small volume). Many physicists have tried to solve the problem by “quantizing” gravity—dividing it into smaller bits, just as quantum mechanics breaks down many quantities, such as particles’ energy levels, into discrete packets. “There are many attempts to quantize gravity—string theory and loop quantum gravity are alternative approaches that can both claim to have gone a good leg forward,” says Stefano Liberati, a physicist at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy. “But maybe you don’t need to quantize gravity; you need to quantize this fundamental object that makes spacetime.”



who is god ani

In monotheistic thought, God is conceived of as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. God is usually conceived of as being omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent as well as having an eternal and necessary existence. God is most often held to be incorporeal, with said characteristic being related to conceptions of transcendence or immanence.

Some religions describe God without reference to gender, while others use terminology that is gender-specific and gender-biased. God has been conceived as either personal or impersonal. In theism, God is the creator and sustainer of the universe, while in deism, God is the creator, but not the sustainer, of the universe. In pantheism, God is the universe itself. Atheism is an absence of belief in God, while agnosticism deems the existence of God unknown or unknowable.

God has also been conceived as the source of all moral obligation, and the “greatest conceivable existent”. Many notable philosophers have developed arguments for and against the existence of God.

Each monotheistic religion refers to its god using different names, some referring to cultural ideas about the god’s identity and attributes. In ancient Egyptian Atenism, possibly the earliest recorded monotheistic religion, this deity was called Aten and proclaimed to be the one “true” Supreme Being and creator of the universe. In Islam, the name Allah is used, while Muslims also use a multitude of titles for God. In Hinduism, Brahman is often considered a monistic concept of God. In Chinese religion, Shangdi is conceived as the progenitor (first ancestor) of the universe, intrinsic to it and constantly bringing order to it.


Our Loving Father

who is the real god ani

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens. (Ephesians 1:3)

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. (1 Timothy 1:17)

Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father. To whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. (Galatians 1:3-4)

In the Hebrew Bible and Judaism, the names of God include Elohim, Adonai, YHWH and others. Yahweh and Jehovah, possible vocalizations of YHWH, are used in Christianity. In the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, one God coexists in three “persons” called the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The God who gives grace and brings peace is described as “God our Father”. God creates the life force, but He is not an impersonal force. He is personal, and he relates to us personally.

The Bible designates God as the living God. He is a rational being, One who is conscious of His own existence. As the living God, He possesses the attributes of a person. From Scripture, we find that God personally created us:

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, all the earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.”

So God created man in His own image;
He created him in the image of God;
He created them male and female. (Genesis 1:26-27)

The Hebrew language of verse 27 makes it clear that God’s image in mankind depicts humanity as distinct from animals. It is only regarding the creation of mankind that God says, “Let us make man in our own image,” and God only directly breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 1:26, 2:7).


Everything in the text of Genesis 1 and 2 denotes the intimate actions of God in creating mankind (both the first man and the first woman) compared to the general nature of creating everything else.

adam and eve

Mankind was uniquely made in the image of God as part of His original “very good” created order. He could make his own decisions.  God choose that for man.  He gave them dominion over the earth and all its inhabitants. It was a perfect life in paradise.

garden of eden

The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2:15-17)

There were two trees in the garden. The first was the Tree of Life (a symbol of the Holy Spirit).  The second was the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil (a symbol of the law).  This was the only tree in the garden that God told them they were not to eat the fruit of. There was no sin until Eve was tempted by Satan (an evil angel) to eat the forbidden fruit of that tree.


Adam followed her in the sin of disobedience to God.  They knew they had rebelled. They lost their innocence and realized that they were naked. They covered their nakedness with fig leaves. That is when man first sinned (disobeyed the known will of God).

The image of God in Man was disfigured at the Fall.

God had to sacrifice an animal to cover their sin and nakedness.  This was the first sacrifice to cover sin, and a lesson from God that the payment for sin will always be death.  They died spiritually and morally and where alienated from God. They transmitted their sin nature to all of their offspring. Since then, sin has remained in the world, all people are sinners, and death remains the punishment for sin.


About two thousand years ago, God the Father sent Jesus Christ (the Son of God) into the world so that the world might be saved through Jesus. Jesus is the Word, which was with God in the beginning, and was God. The Word was made flesh by God causing an Israelite virgin named Mary to become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Mary was the mother of this child, but there was no earthly father who had caused her to become pregnant. This child was named Jesus. He was the Son of God, who had now become fully human as well. Many years before Jesus appeared on the earth, there had been prophecies which foretold of him. While on the earth, he fulfilled all the prophecies concerning him.

image of god

At that time John the Baptist was baptizing in the Jordan River for repentance of sins.  Jesus came to him and asked to be baptized. When John did this, a voice from heaven spoke and said, “This is My Son, in whom I am well pleased!” John declared, “Behold, the Lamb of God!”

By the power of God, Jesus performed many miracles. Some of these miracles included healing all kinds of diseases, bringing dead people back to life, casting out demons, controlling the weather, walking on water, and turning water into wine.

Jesus showed people that God loved them. He taught them to love God and to love one another. He is the King of the kingdom of heaven and his kingdom is not of this world. Jesus had many disciples who followed him, men and women. He chose twelve to be apostles (leaders).  He preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to people. Those who believe in Jesus and do the will of God will enter his kingdom. He taught people to lay up their treasures in heaven, not on earth where moth and rust corrupt and thieves break through and steal. He taught them how to pray and ask for what they or others needed. And he told them they could have victorious lives through faith in Him.

Passover lamb

Jesus lived a perfect life and did not sin. There were some people who did not like what Jesus was doing and plotted to have Him crucified. He was scourged, mocked, and hung on a cross until he died. Then, he was placed in a tomb. Just like the Passover lambs were offered and their blood was shed for the forgiveness of sin, Jesus was offered and his blood was shed. His perfect sacrifice was better than an animal sacrifice and by the shedding of his blood came the forgiveness of sins for all people once and forever.

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Jesus paid the price for all mankind when he suffered on the cross. He took on himself the rebellion and sin of all mankind from the past, present and future.  So, even we have caused him the pain he suffered. He was the final sacrifice, the perfect sacrifice for all time.  No longer did man have to sacrifice animals to cover their sin because his ultimate sacrifice PAID the price for all time.


To be a member of the family of God takes care of our sin problem.

Sin is a reality that is only solved by the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ who is the very image of God. Through Christ alone we can be made right before God and conform to the image of His Son that we were originally created to be.

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When we are born again as Sons of God, our Image is restored. We automatically receive an inheritance in Christ.


But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.  (Ephesians 2:4-7)


If you are not sure that you are saved, you can accept Christ into your life right now, by praying:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.  Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life.  I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior.”


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