
You have a stake in our mission. You can help us reach thousands around the world – literally the “ends of the earth” – for Jesus Christ.

For this is what the Lord has commanded us:

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)


Eagles Arise International Ministries provides eschatology-related information to the global community – through the Rapture and End Times website. Our blog has been recognized as one of the top-ranked blogs by Christian Feedspot, taking into account factors such as our website traffic, social media followers, and content freshness.

Millions of people around the world turn to God every day for answers. They’re looking for truth, for something that can fill their emptiness and make them whole again; they ask questions like: ‘Do I matter? ‘Is there a God?’ ‘What’s my purpose in life?’

is there a god ani

Multi-million dollar question: what does it cost to put on a mass evangelism event like Billy Graham’s crusades? You have to rent a stadium, advertise your event, and hire people to help you setup and tear down. Plus, you’ll need to coordinate hundreds of volunteers to help.

But, even people in poverty-stricken countries can now afford a relatively cheap phone or tablet. It doesn’t matter what they buy, all these devices will be capable and functional enough to give them an accurate presentation on who He really was–and continues being today!

When Jesus gave the commandment, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation,’ the disciples were on foot. There was no television, no radio, no airplanes, and certainly no internet. The difference between 2,000 years ago and today is immense! Not only do we have Web technology at our disposal but also social media platforms where people from around the world come together online every day looking for answers.

The internet is a powerful tool that we can use to reach people with the Gospel. It can be used in so many ways to reach people all over the world, and it’s only getting better with each passing day! We reach millions effectively across cultures and demographics – without geographical boundaries!

What if you could change someone’s life with just one message? That is what we strive for here at Rapture and End Times. We want to meet people in their moment of need, and give them hope when they desperately need it most!

start a blog

We are expanding our mission field to reach people we might never have the chance of touching in person. They need to know that Jesus Christ is the only One who gives us true purpose and fulfills our greatest need.

With dark forces arrayed against us, we must be ever-watchful for the return of our Lord. At this crucial moment in history it is more important than ever that Christians have freedom to express their beliefs without fear. We are independent and can’t be cancelled. The need for fact-based Biblical analysis with an international perspective on critical events has never been greater. When you support Rapture and End Times, you support Christian freedom of expression at a time when it’s under direct attack.

We are in the final moments. We have a chance to reach people before it is too late! There’s never been a better opportunity to preach the gospel than right now, before our access expires! 44,000 people perish each day without hearing the Good News. Please lend your support by donating today so God can bring eternal life through His Son.

We will be so grateful that you want in on this with us–we truly value each one of our donors’ contributions.

The Bible says that a person who “gives freely . . . gains even more” (Proverbs 11:24). Our culture defines prosperity as having more and more and more, but the Bible says that “a generous person will prosper” and “whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (v. 25).

God’s unlimited and unconditional love and generosity continually recharge us. We can each have a giver’s heart and create unending giving cycles because we know God—the Giver of all good things—never gets tired of providing abundantly.

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