Rapture and End Times and You

Rapture and End Times and You ani

Today’s news is frightening. When people read about government corruption, terrorist attacks, and economic collapse, they long to believe that, in the end, everything will turn out OK . A prophetic analysis of the news reveals that the Rapture of the Church is coming soon. Even the very earth is reacting (groaning) to the time of the return of Jesus, our Messiah.

The stories and explanations in the Rapture and End Times website start with current events, and conclude showing that “all things work together for the good of those who love God.” (Romans 8:28)


The Ministry Purpose

Rapture and End Times provides a prophetic analysis of today’s news. The website includes eschatology-related information to the global community.

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As Christians, we believe that the Holy Bible is God’s perfect Word and that it is a testimony to Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is God’s rule over the universe and also over humans who willfully acknowledge him as King. One day his Kingdom will come to earth, which the Bible describes as the personal and visible return of Jesus. This day is known as the Second Coming, the time when Jesus will establish his rule on the throne of David in Jerusalem.


Many Christians also believe that before the Second Coming there will be a dark seven year period called the Tribulation. They believe that in order to rescue his Bride from the horrors of the Tribulation, Jesus will gather all true believers to him. This is known as the futurist, pre-tribulation Rapture view. This view acknowledges God the Father’s sovereignty over the timing of the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming. Our goal is to give you a clear understanding of the Rapture, so that you are prepared!

This is the gate of the Lord-2

He who testifies to these things says, Surely I am coming quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20)


Rapture and End Times is Born

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I have studied the Living Word of God for over 60 years. There are many mysteries hidden within the Scripture and are being released slowly over time for those who search and ask. I have received End Time visions and dreams since I was 7 years old, which have unfolded over time. They have inspired me to keep the lamp burning in myself and others.

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By the time I was 12 I began ministering to the girls at my school about the sin of abortion. I often brought pregnant girls home with me, and my mother and I would talk to the parents of the those girls to help get them back into their homes. Some gave their babies up for adoption and some kept them. I still support Pro-Life movements today.


I married and had 5 beautiful children, each with their own unique gifting, talents, and personalities. During the birth of our second son, I died and was brought back by the prayers of my mother and my husband. At this point, I made a decision that everyday was precious and I decided to live life to the fullest serving the Lord God Almighty.

As the years rolled by, I became first a Sunday school teacher, than Youth leader, associate Pastor, Counselor, deliverer, teacher, preacher, prophet, and apostle. My trials and tribulations were many, but so were my blessings and protection. I learned that you can not have authority until you come under authority. Like others, I have fallen, but the Lord has always forgiven me and lifted me up. I discovered that all of us are on the Celestial Path to Heaven.

I went through a born again experience at age 26 and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the edification of speaking in tongues. I also had the wonderful gifts and callings of a full cup. I was called into the deliverance ministry which has a lot of opposition from the demonic realm. In this calling, we traveled around the Eastern and Midwest states. Many were set free and healed. Evangelism has been my most important calling – believing that salvation is more important than even healing.

I was trained under some wonderful pastors who taught and mentored me in a very patient and loving way. Some of these pastors are world known and some are not, but all of them were precious to me and I appreciated that the Lord allowed me to learn from each of them. In turn, I have mentored and taught many for the Kingdom of God and His people.


God has done many wonderful miracles in my life, my families lives, and many others around me.
Being a leader means being a servant as Jesus was. My legacy is not of a material nature, but of a spiritual nature. It’s a fulfillment of many dreams and visions from over 40 years and God knows the plans He has for each of us. I have had a strong calling to teach the truth of the Rapture and the End Times.

Millions of people around the world turn to God every day for answers. They’re looking for truth, for something that can fill their emptiness and make them whole again; they ask questions like: ‘Do I matter? ‘Is there a God?’ ‘What’s my purpose in life?’

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What if you could change someone’s life with just one message? That is what we strive for here at Rapture and End Times.

We want to meet people in their moment of need, and give them hope when they desperately need it most!

start a blog

We are expanding our mission field to reach people we might never have the chance of touching in person. They need to know that Jesus Christ is the only One who gives us true purpose and fulfills our greatest need.

With dark forces arrayed against us, we must be ever-watchful for the return of our Lord. At this crucial moment in history it is more important than ever that Christians have freedom to express their beliefs without fear. We are independent and can’t be cancelled. The need for fact-based Biblical analysis with an international perspective on critical events has never been greater.


Our Future Plans and You

When we started this blog in 2016, it was a very simple format and some basic content. We received an average of 200 views a month. Now, we are a vibrant community, with views of 17,000 or more a month. So far, we have had over one million, two hundred thousand visits, and have had our posts re-blogged in hundreds of websites. Rapture and End Times is a “best seller” !

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We are now one of the “35 Best End Times Blogs and Websites” according to Feedspot, ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority and freshness. A post from our website was featured in The Daily Star, Yahoo News UK, and Metro.

Comments to our blog include the following:

Twenty years ago the Lord told you He was coming soon for His Bride. Many others have heard the same from Jesus. I also firmly believe that He is coming very soon. The convergence of signs make it absolutely clear.

Nicely done article! God said He is giving us a little more time under Trump (who will be back in office soon for four more years) to help bring in the harvest before the Rapture. The UN wants everyone microchipped by 2030, so it is more likely the Rapture will occur sometime by or before 2030.

Jesus and the Apostle Paul taught the Rapture (aka ‘Catching Away’) as did the early church fathers. It doesn’t get any more official than that!

Thanks for this article. The VERY Early Church leaders embraced the Doctrine of a Rapture. The MYSTERY revealed in Thessalonians! This message was lost over the centuries and only REDISCOVERED by Darby!

I just Recently learned of the significance of The Feast of Harvest. Great article.

Awesome! Thank you for the fabulous info! Keep up the great work!!!

An excellent very valuable post, thank you!


From humble beginnings, our Rapture and End Times website has a significant impact on the eschatology-related discussion in the global community. We have more than 500 members in our virtual “congregation” of followers from almost every country in the world. Just by being on this website, you are already a valued part of our ministry – and you are helping us to fulfill our vision of building a global Christian community.

Now, it is your turn. Please tell us your story, and how this blog has helped you. Include any prayer requests, and your suggestions for future articles. 

If you are not sure that you are saved, you can accept Christ into your life right now, by praying:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.  Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life.  I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior.”


Spread the Word:

Send any comments or suggestions to raptureandendtime@gmail.com 

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Reader Comments:

I thank you for your work, which I have included in my projects, which I know God Commissioned prior to creation, as He did you. I was taught from 5 years old on by a Granddaughter of Ashkenazi Jews living in Germany who were swept up by the Nazi SS and interned in Dachau. They were liberated and eventually migrated to the States, becoming believers in our Messiah, Jesus Christ. My Grandmother spent every summer with them, who taught her the Old Testament (Prophecy), which she taught me.

You have aided in my project, I have sourced much of your material to support my projects God Speed and Keep up the Blessed Work, time as you know, is running out!

May Christ continue to Bless your work!

Joey Mayo, May 10, 2022


The insight of current events and scripture are a statement of your wisdom. As a Christian having the promised Holy Spirit I have traveled Scripture as in real time. 

Your and your site are in our prayers.

Yvonne and John Bedford, May 10, 2022


Enjoyed reading your testimony

Jesus Is The Lord

Truth7t7, May 8, 2022


Thank you for your testimony, our God is truly amazing in love.

I understand where you are coming from on the word rapture for so was I taught. Through study of the word by the leadership of the Spirit I no longer believe this word. There will be a second coming of Jesus, but we are not promised any DELIVERANCE except from God’s own wrath against the evils of this world.

I believe we are going to pass thru a time of horror as many of faith have done before us. They didn’t cling to any verse except that God would be with them to the very end of life as we know it. Daniel in the lions den, the three in the fiery furnace, the many killed through out the ages for their faith and trust in God. It is appointed unto man to die then the judgement, those who trust him will have NO part in the second death.

Truly it appears to be an end- time period for we see great apostasy, a leaving of first love, love waxing cold in many, people perishing from a lack of knowledge of the word, fear and worship of men rather than God !

May we ever pray that the Spirit keeps bringing conviction to hearts and replacing the SINS of the flesh with the pure words of God.

Blessings !

LastAmongMany, May 8, 2022

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